About Us


Healey Surgery services Whitworth  Shawclough,Syke and Healey , parts of Bamford . Please check with staff if you are not sure if you live in our practice area. This website tells you about our services, how to access them and some general information about how our practice operates.

Our Primary Care Team includes general practitioners , practice nurses, healthcare assistant, phlebotomist,  district nurses, health visitors, our practice manager, office manager , admin and reception staff.

We offer a full General Practice Service including: baby clinic; childhood immunisations; ante-natal and post-natal; diabetes; asthma; COPD; CHD; travel vaccinations;  minor surgery; gynaecology; family planning;bloods and other tests.

Disabled Access

Healey Surgery was purpose built to provide a high standard of doctor and patient facilities including disabled access, meeting and health promotion areas plus parking and emergency ambulance access. 

There is also good access for the disabled to all of our consultation / treatment rooms. We have designated parking bays adjacent to the surgery entrance along with emergency ambulance access with wide doors to allow for wheelchair access. 

If you require assistance please ask a member of staff. Dedicated space is available for wheelchair users in the Patient Reception waiting area adjacent to the consultation / treatment room corridor.